Sunday, December 29, 2013


Over at RD magazine, Hollis Phelps asked a question with which tends to make us uncomfortable.  Yet, the truth is, it is one I think almost all of us have wondered about at least to ourselves if not when we uncork the bottle and let our hair down among friends. 
Phelps takes the recent developments with the defrocking of Rev. Frank Schaefer by the United Methodist Church and the chastisement and "firing", Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson.
Rev. Frank Schaefer officiated his son’s gay wedding and as a result he was stripped of his ordination for forcefully and deliberately disregarding the teachings and discipline of his denomination.  For this Schaefer has become a Cause célèbre among gay activists and liberal Christians.
Phil Robertson on the other hand has raised the ire of liberals of all stripes (not to mention the guardians of the various "inclusive" pieties) for comments he made about homosexuality in GQ magazine.  His comments were, shall we say, quite critical.  As a result, citing the intolerance of divergent opinions by liberals and the powers that be, Robertson has become a rallying point among conservatives and traditional Christians.
Without getting into the right or wrong in these two different cases, Phelps broaches the taboo misgiving:
Both events have been the subject of intense, at times vitriolic, discussion on social media, especially, of course, among those who identify in one way or another as Christian. Both events have made clear once again the differences between “socially liberal” and “socially conservative” Christians when it comes to issues related especially to sexuality, with both sides appealing to the Bible in support of their opposing views.
Some of my more pastorally minded friends have intervened, urging mutual understanding and stressing unity among Christians. The sentiment generally goes something like, “Sure, we may disagree when it comes to issues such as homosexuality, but let’s remember that at the end of the day we all serve the same God.”

It’s a nice sentiment, one that is often appealed to to remind Christians that the church is, ultimately, “one body,” united in its common confession and worship of Jesus Christ, whom Christians take as God incarnate. In other words, the appeal is to some sort of transcendent commonality that unites the Christians across time and place despite differences, including differences on issues related to sexuality.

I’ve often wondered, however, if such a claim is accurate. Sure, it has theological merit and backing, but it tends to cover over the real differences that divide individuals and groups that identify themselves as Christian. I would suggest that if  we attend to these differences, there’s often not much in common between Christians who identity as “socially liberal” and “socially conservative.” In other words, I’d suggest that when disagreements among Christians flare up as they have in the past few days, we are not witnessing different expressions of an underlying, unitary tradition called Christianity. We are, rather, dealing with different “religions,” as separate from each other as one “religion” is normally taken from another.

Sure, “socially liberal” and “socially conservative” Christians share, to a certain extent and differences aside, a common book, a common language, and common practices. But if we dig further, if we do a little “thick description” as the anthropologist Clifford Geertz urged us, the extent of the commonalities is not at all clear. For instance, all Christians in one way or another take the Bible as a locus of authority, but how the Bible is read and how it functions as authoritative varies significantly for individuals and in denominations.

We only need to look at the difference between Frank Schaefer and Phil Robertson to see that this is the case. We often frame such differences as differences of interpretation, but perhaps it would be better to ask the question: Are they (Schaefer and Robertson, “liberal Christians” and “conservative Christians”) really reading the same book? I’m not so sure that they are.

Or take a practice such as baptism, which is, again, ubiquitous among those who identify as Christian. Is baptism in a Southern Baptist church the same things as in an Episcopal Church? At one level it is, since the practice in both contexts ultimately derives from a common source, Jesus’ baptism for the forgiveness of sins. But there is considerable difference between the two in when baptism is usually performed (believer/infant), how it functions (ordinance/sacrament), and its relationship to different understandings of community, sin, and salvation. Material similarities, in other words, don't necessarily mean that the practice is the same across contexts.

We could provide many more examples, and all of these would lead to one question: are “liberal Christians” and “conservative Christians” worshipping the same God? Again, I’m not so sure.

Such questions are sure to make many—on all sides—uncomfortable. But if we really want to understand the vast differences among those who identify as Christian, we should, perhaps, start thinking about these differences not in terms of degree, but in kind. That may not be theologically satisfying, at least initially, but it may be more descriptively accurate. 

Ok.  I am not prepared to declare that those Christians on the liberal side of the aisle are not my brothers; but one doesn't have to go the full distance with Phelps to acknowledge that he is getting at something. 
Long ago, a Lutheran pastor turned university professor and a bunch of us students were discussing the intricacies of Karl Barth or some other 20th century theologian--didn't seem to matter who.  In the middle, while mulling over his doubts about Luther's doctrine of baptism, he finally let it out.  Beholding the obstinate, divergent stances of his students, he said that within Christianity, across all denominations, there are really only two churches.  One liberal.  One conservative.  Both read from the same Scriptures.  Both use same words.  But we meant two entirely different thing by them.  Even in talking about Jesus, an outside observer would conclude we were talking about two different people who just happen to share the same name.
His considered opinion was that someday there would be a great sorting out with each side jelling into denominations of more like-minded consistency.  This may be the only way we can come to stand each other.
I suppose to some degree this is already happening.  From the ELCA has come the North American Lutheran Church.  The Anglican Church is on the verge of coming apart worldwide. Congregations of many communions has disassociated themselves from their respective denominations.  Even some traditionalists have taken the enormous step and escaped into Catholicism or Orthodoxy.
Is Jesus really as tolerant, non-judgmental, and accepting as liberal Christians would have it?  Or is Jesus really such a catalyst for disunion among the men and women of the world as the traditionalists hold?  Is there really something called the brotherhood of man?  Or is the only commonality among men that we are objects of His love and precious little else?  How is the Bible to be read and used?
It may well be that how one answers these questions (along with a host of others equality crucial) tells more about oneself than is convenient.  With both Liberals and Traditionalists charging the other with selling out to some non-faithful ideology, I don't see the two sides making peace anytime soon in spite of all the protestations of fellowship and good-faith dialogue.  Especially when talking often times makes it all the worse.
Don't think I'm particularly happy about this.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Revelation is my least favorite “book” in the bible. Why? During my childhood fundamentalist years (ages 0-9), Revelation received a vastly inordinate interest—subject to much verbal diarrhea—which I had to endure.  All sorts of exotic phantasicagorical stuff—the most I have ever heard in church.  I hated it.  (Of course, our college bull sessions about this, that, and whatever rank right up there at the very top.) There apparently is something sexy about the whole world blowing up.

It was/is commonly said that the Bible is so arranged that the earnest student proggesses through the entire Scriptures leading up to its very pinnacle at the end.  Revelation was the culmination of all that had gone before and itself served as a sort of post doctrinal study.  Even as a little Christian, I knew there was something amiss in this assessment.  I mean,  isn't the Gospel of John  far more important?

With the whore of Babylon being the Catholic Church, the ten horns of some monster being the European Common Market, the United States mixed in there somewhere, and the restoration of Israel, all was being laid out before our eyes for Christ's imminent return.  No doubt about it!

To all this, one might remind our prophesy scholars that Jesus Himself said that of that day and hour only the Father knows. (Mark 13:32).   With all this stuff you folk spend so much time figuring out so definitely, aren't you claiming to know something Jesus Himself said He doesn't know?  To which they would reply:  "Well. yes Jesus said that very thing.  But God left us so many clues in the Bible.  All we have to do is put them all together!"

There is no stopping these guys.

Once my mother, brother and I converted to Lutheranism (Well, more like married into the Lutheran Church.), all that fell to the wayside.  Much to my relief.  No more bad dreams about the Devil rising from some black pit!

Indeed, we Lutherans recite "He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead" from the Apostles' Creed and pretty much leave it at that.  Still, it is hard to wash out of your mind all those hours of wraithlike prophesy.

Years past and while in college, thank goodness, I received the medicinal corrective of a scholarly few weeks of historical/critical commentary on the A. Of St. John with all that “what this means in the original Greek”, contextualization, formgeschichte, and sitz im leben regalia in my college biblical studies class.  As I say, it was a major corrective to all that B.S. of my early years.

Still, if I never ever have to listen to any more verbosity on Revelation, it would not be a minute too soon.

Not that I will have a choice in the matter!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Sorry to say the jury is still out for me with this new Pope.  I am warming up to him as time passes.  Yet, just as I am about to tip my Lutheran hat to him, he makes some turkey statement to the press. 
I know.  I know.  One shouldn’t expect to believe the press will be fair and report
accurately what the Pope says—especially considering they have a variety of axes to grind.  Still there is the issue of what is fair and accurately reported and what is not.  One knows the Pope is never going to say abortion is a viable option or the Christian model of family should be given over to more modern, enlightened conceptions.  But what about economics?  Does he even know what he is talking about?  Or does he and the press have no idea what he actually is saying?

[As many are surprised to find out, many of the doubts and criticisms Francis has been making have been bouncing around Conservative circles for years.  While Anglo-American Conservatives lean toward free market capitalism, they are not purely so.  A good indication of this is Irving Kristol’s Two Cheers for Capitalism.  (Note that he withholds one cheer.)
One major objections is that, while Conservatives are all for the creative nature of capitalism, they are less than enthusiastic for many of its destructive properties—particularly to human community (in the social sense), tradition, and family.

Another is moral and compassionate.  William F. Buckley himself advocated what he called Christian economics/capitalism.  He set up a particular example to show what he meant.  Suppose a disaster fell on the land and you were left with the one good, uncontaminated well.  Your neighbors are thirsty and are in bad need for water.  Under capitalism, one should be free to charge as much as you can get in selling buckets of your water to your neighbors.  But as a faithful Christian, you should, indeed must, instead give it away.  In order words, capitalism with moral limits, love, and compassion for one’s neighbor.  How different would our present condition be now if our movers and shakers had followed even a little notion of this?]

So, we’ll see eventually what to make of this Pope.  Turkey or Saint? 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I give a big thumbs up for O Come O Come Emmanuel in this past Sunday’s worship!  (12-01-2013)  One of the five church hymns I actually like!!!  (The rest can just go to…  Well, maybe not there exactly.)  Anyway, Anyway, O Come O Come Emmanuel just rocks!  Too bad the Church relegates it to the Advent/Christmas season these days.  That is, at least at ol’e Faith Lutheran Church where my wife and I grew up, O Come O Come Emmanuel was sung four or five times across the year. 

Ah me, days long gone by…