All depends on which
Lutheran denomination one is speaking of. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) is generally regarded as liberal. The North American Lutheran
Church (NALC) is said to be fairly moderate as Lutherans go, but in reality it is
fairly conservative in anyone’s book. The Missouri and Wisconsin Synods are
even more conservative.
If one is looking for
a Lutheran denomination where the LBGT+ movement is seen positively, then the
ELCA is it. Although, each individual ELCA congregation will differ. Some hold
to traditional sexual ethics while others will openly decorate church property
with assundry “Pride” flags and colors. The other three Lutheran denominations
hold to the traditional sexual mores of classical Christianity.
If one is talking politically, things get a
bit messier. But one will find far more liberals in the ELCA than in the other
three “Lutheran bodies combined.
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