In different circumstances, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's “extreme conservatives” are “right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay,” and “they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are". Cuomo elaborated by drawing a distinction between "moderate" and "conservative" Republicans": “figure out if your extreme conservative philosophy can survive in this state and the answer is no.” Moderates were welcome. Conservatives were not. (Conservatives were by definition "extremists" in Cuomo political lexicon.) Holding views which were conventional as little as ten years and are still common today are now apparently beyond pale.

(Of course, "moderate" Republicans themselves might have something to say about how exactly welcome they feel in Cuomo's political house.)
Governor Cuomo and Mayor Emanuel's examples are straight forward cases of overt bullying; but there are more subtle ways of stifling one's opponents. The one I have in mind falls under the heading of "he who sets the terms of the debate controls the argument".
In the September 2013 issue of The Lutheran, Pastor Peter Marty, in his monthly submission, put forward his own attempt to set the terms for discussing and debating homosexuality and the church: "Talking About Homosexuality". It might be remembered that his father, Dr. Martin Marty, similarly

Indeed, if Pastor Marty's own ground rules are allowed to be instituted as guiding principles in "talking about homosexuality", homosexuality and the church simply could not be discussed. By dissidents from the 2009 Sexuality Social Statement, that is. The "diversity" planers and promoters would be able continue on their merry way in the "inclusivity project". Pastor Marty's article itself can fairly be counted as a soldier in the ELCA's inclusivity crusade.
Marty writes toward a number of points many of which take an interpersonal tack as well as several loose truisms and guilt tripping. His point can be summarized:

2.) People are mostly drawn to the subject of homosexuality because it is about sex--eliciting all sorts of "juicy thoughts.
3.) Whether one is heterosexual or homosexual tells one little about one's sex life. To concentrate on another's sexual orientation fails to capture the full sense of his/her personhood.
4.) We get all excited about another's homosexuality but rarely do we refer to another's heterosexuality in talking about them,
5.) The modern recognition of "homosexual" as a separate type of human being is relatively recent one--one which the writers of both the Old and New Testaments had no concept. Neither in Greek or Hebrew had a word for "homosexual". The category or classification we refer to as "homosexuality" didn't exist in the time of the Biblical writers.
6.) Where the Bible does refer to the lusting or exploitative use of sex by both same or "differently" gendered people has nothing to do with the loving, lasting and caring (shall we say wholesome) relationships two homosexuals can share with each other.
7.) Homosexuals are living, breathing human beings no less than heterosexuals. To focus only on their sexual orientation drains the full personhood from that individual. One shouldn't treat a homosexual that way--a way we don't treat heterosexuals.
Marty then concludes:
"So keep recalling your connection to real people with real lives. If everything God created is good, and God created each of us, how would a gay (or straight) person be anything more than what God created him or her to be?"
It is difficult to know where to begin. Certainly, any homosexual (as with all men and women) should be treated with generosity and respect. Just as certain, if one follows Marty's "rules", it would be next to impossible to have frank discussions about the moral status of same-sex "sensual docking procedures. Perhaps for Marty that is just the point and such would suit him just fine. Under such restraints, the ELCA leadership would be relieved to have the contested moral issue off their backs. For traditionalists the bottom line is that it is OK to have moral reservations concerning homosexual erotic behavior, just don't give voice to them.
Marty's last sentence presents as obvious and mere common sense what is in reality controversial. It is simply not true that everything that exists God created as good. God at the end of the seven days of creation did behold it and said it was good. But what was to follow was the Fall and with the Fall not only humanity separated from God but all creation itself was damaged and it became not as He intended . Those who fall back on the argument on the goodness of creation are left with a myriad of existential evils to explain.
This gets into the contentious subject of theodicy about which much ink has been spilled and it is doubtful Pastor Marty would have much to add in the way of justifying God's ways. (Nor I for that matter.) Is spina bifita intended by God? (Worldwide, one out of five hundred individuals suffer from this congenial disorder.) Disease in general? Blindness and deafness? Then there are the mental disorders which torcher hundreds of thousands at any given time. One in twenty men and women are sociopaths. One in a hundred are psychopaths. Depressions of unknown origin plague the lives of many--some to suffer such darkness a lifetime--some to prefer death over the hell of living another day. Are these brought about by the intentionality of God? What about tornados and earthquakes which kill thousands each year? Yes, Pastor Marty would have a lot of explaining to do.
Of course, the presence of existential evil in and of itself does not establish the moral nature of homosexuality. What the thorny question of God's divine intention does is rule out any argument which posits that goodness can be inferred from mere existence. From this it should also be apparent that any genetic basis for homosexuality proves nothing.
Many believe that homosexuality is built into the DNA of gay men and women. As such it is argued means that a genetic origin of homosexuality means that it is perfectly normal and natural. But this assertion actually begs the question. Many studies have been done and to date the "gay gene" or complex of genes remains elusive. Many doubt that such a gene exists. But, for the moment, let us assume that there is a genetic basis for homosexuality. It does not prove what Pastor Marty and others think it does. What remains is the difficulty in knowing whether such a genetic formation is an expression of creation's goodness--or is it a sign of creation's brokenness?
Are homosexuals as God intended them to be: homosexual? Pastor Marty seems to think they are; but he does nothing to convince us of this.
We see increasingly with the introduction of genetics and neuroscience into the mix to explain human behavior with the overt suggestion, the possibility it seems, that our choices are not made by ourselves. Our makeup commands we what it demands or we refuse at our peril. But the true story is that our lives are not reducible to these forces acting upon us. We know at a basic level that there are others who have the same circumstances in play (or very similar) and do not act as their makeup insists. There are choices made in the opposite direction--refusing to follow through our impulses. That others make those choices proves that our actions are not predestined by our genes or our upbringing or our culture--even when we are told that we are entitled to the satisfaction of what we desire most.
Most homosexuals will tell you that they didn't wake up one morning a decide to be gay. There is every reason to take them at their word. Some radical lesbians maintain that women can choose be gay as an act out of their personal autonomy--but these are a distinct minority. It seems far more likely to me that, instead of a singular act of choice, one becomes homosexual from a long series of many choices and experiences--many if not most unconscious ones. By this I am saying nothing more than how each of us come to be what we are in life--whether sexually or in a host of other areas having nothing to do the sexuality. For most of us, how we came to be who we are and what sort of person we are will always be shrouded in mystery. As Neil Young sang in See The Sky About To Rain:
Some are bound for happiness.
Some are bound for glory.
Some are bound to live with less.
Who can tell your story?
What Pastor Marty wants is to shut down discussion and for the entire Church to come to a de facto final resolution--putting the whole unpleasant business behind us and pushing traditionalists to the very margins of the Church. Pastor Marty's handling of the Biblical issues also leaves much to be desired and certainly can be contested. (However one comes down in interpretation, the fact remains that neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament say anything positive about homosexual acts.) There is much left to be sorted out. Much to put forth and those answered. But we will be doing the Church no favors by curtailing dialog on our differences.
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