A friend and I were discussing
the new Presiding Bishop (yet to be installed as of this date) Elizabeth Eaton. After some length, he concluded his letter:
Speaking of Bp. Eaton, so far I’ve liked just
about everything I’ve read from her and about her. Gutsiness,
intelligence, and humility seem to be her best features, much like the new
Pope. Is the Spirit at work here, do you suppose…??
On this, I
shared a few thoughts:
There are
things I like about Pope Francis' demeanor. For now, I am reserving
judgment. I have a warm spot for both John Paul II and Benedict XVI; so
you might understand my reticence at this point. It is said that Francis
is as conservative/orthodox as his two predecessors. Nevertheless,
interviews with "secular" journalists seem to be his nemesis.
Something is apt to pop out of his mouth followed by articles touting his departure
from established doctrine. These are followed by more articles explaining
what he really meant or said. A bit of back and forth, ending with more
Catholic pundits saying that what Francis said has been Catholic doctrine all
along. (One correspondent wrote to me that universalism is in fact
conventional within Church tradition!) So I don't know whether the
Francis I am getting is the actual Francis much of the time. So, we'll
see. Time will tell.
Far less
ambiguous is Bishop Eaton. My sense is that despite far less news
coverage, what you see is what you get. I expect good things with her for
the ELCA in the years to come. Particularly gratifying is her stated
intension to reach out and bring back into the fuller life of the Church those
who disagreed with "2009". She seems to genuinely understand
the pain and estrangement "2009" caused. Most who profoundly
disagreed still remain in the ELCA--but not out of any particular love for it
and certainly not out of any sense the ELCA loves them.

How she
plans to do this and how much cooperation she will get from the rest of the
Church is another kettle of fish. Be that as it may, it looks like it is
possible by her own charm, style and persuasiveness she might be able to
accomplish what Bishop Hanson has not been able to achieve on this score.
(By the way, I trust Pastor Hanson isn't simply going to hang up his collar and
go fishing.)
of the Spirit? I don't know. As we are reminded, God has His own
purposes. Maybe those who come after us will be able to say better than
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