quote below is a rough rendering of what I came up with. Mind…it is still a work in progress. I would appreciate any and all suggestions in
how to improve it. After I wrote my
first draft, I thought it was worthy of a modern day Shakespeare. Since then, the pride of authorship has worn
off and my own estimation of its quality has fallen several hundred
notches. Perhaps the average high school
freshman could effortlessly do better. I
somewhat suspect so.
anyway, here t'is. Look it over. Try not to lose your lunch. And send suggestions by way of the comment
Apple Mick Lee
Thou art faithful to the children of men
And provide each according to their season
Thou feedst the creatures of the earth
And art mindful of the least of these
With the hosts of Heaven, may we praise Thy name
Let us awake in the morning filled with Thy sweetness
And may our future be as happy as our past was sad
The days we dwelt among the dead and shared our bread with
Let Thy servants behold the work of Thine Hands
And in the world to come rejoice among the mountains of Heaven
All the we craft withers and is lost to the winds of the earth
But Thy goodness and
mercy shall stand--now and forever of days